Grant Me Serenity

Grant Me Serenity


This story follows the lives of six completely different people. It takes you by the hand and walks you through their insane, world-shattering journeys with alcohol and drugs to the moment they have an opportunity to overcome them.

Leon Frank: A product of the ghetto of Harlem during the early seventies

Joey Papadonte: A street guy caught in the throngs of addiction

Ivette Gonzalez: Born addicted, she chases one high after another.

Robin Moen: A Wall Street tycoon and a heroin addict

Jake Levine, The hottest criminal defense attorney in New York City, is battling his cocaine and alcohol addiction.

Carol Davenport: is a socialite from old money whose blackout drinking places her in unique and dangerous situations.

Immerse yourself in their stories and experience what it feels like when every thread of common sense tells you not to do what you already know you shouldn't, but you find yourself powerless to not do it. Witness the pain and heartache of the family members as they find themselves just as powerless to help their loved ones as they spiral downward into the throngs of addiction. See how these six strangers come together and come back from a living death to embrace a wonderful, spiritual life.

The disease of alcoholism and addiction is an equal opportunity destroyer. From Yale to jail, from Penn State to the State Pen, it equally ruins lives. Experience what it's like through these six lost souls and rejoice, as they once were lost but now they are found...

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